Compute service drives computation of analytics for a GoodData.CN workspaces. The prescription of what to compute
is encapsulated by the ExecutionDefinition which consists of attributes, metrics, filters and definition of dimensions that influence how to organize the data in the result.
Name | Description |
ai_chat (workspace_id: <nil>, question: <nil>) | Chat with AI in GoodData workspace. |
ai_chat_history (workspace_id: <nil>, chat_history_interaction_id: <nil>) | Get chat history with AI in GoodData workspace. |
ai_chat_history_reset (workspace_id: <nil>) | Reset chat history with AI in GoodData workspace. |
for_exec_def (workspace_id: <nil>, exec_def: <nil>) | Starts computation in GoodData.CN workspace, using the provided execution definition. |
retrieve_result_cache_metadata (workspace_id: <nil>, result_id: <nil>) | Gets execution result's metadata from GoodData.CN workspace for given execution result ID. |