



assign_permissions_bulk ()None
create_or_update_user (user: CatalogUser)Creates a new user or overwrites an existing user.
create_or_update_user_group (user_group: CatalogUserGroup)Create a new user group or overwrite an existing user group.
create_user_api_token ()None
delete_user (user_id: str)Delete User using User id.
delete_user_api_token ()None
delete_user_group (user_group_id: str)Delete User Group using User Group id.
get_declarative_user_groups ()Retrieve all user groups in a declarative form.
get_declarative_users ()Retrieve all users in a declarative form.
get_declarative_users_user_groups ()Retrieves all users and user groups in a declarative form.
get_organization ()None
get_user (user_id: str)Get an individual user using User id.
get_user_api_token ()None
get_user_group (user_group_id: str)Get an individual user group using user group id.
get_user_group_permissions ()None
get_user_permissions ()None
layout_organization_folder ()None
list_user_api_tokens ()None
list_user_groups ()Get a list of all existing user groups.
list_users ()Get a list of all existing users.
load_and_put_declarative_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Loads and sets the layouts stored using store_declarative_users.
load_and_put_declarative_users (layout_root_path: Path)Loads and sets the layouts stored using store_declarative_users.
load_and_put_declarative_users_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Loads and sets the layouts stored using store_declarative_users_user_groups.
load_declarative_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Load declarative users groups layout, which was stored using store_declarative_user_groups.
load_declarative_users (layout_root_path: Path)Load declarative users layout, which was stored using store_declarative_users.
load_declarative_users_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Load declarative users and user groups layout, which was stored using store_declarative_users_user_groups.
manage_user_group_permissions ()None
manage_user_permissions ()None
put_declarative_user_groups (user_groups: CatalogDeclarativeUserGroups)Set all user groups eventually with their parents.
put_declarative_users (users: CatalogDeclarativeUsers)Set all users and their authentication properties.
put_declarative_users_user_groups (users_user_groups: CatalogDeclarativeUsersUserGroups)Set all users and user groups.
revoke_permissions_bulk ()None
store_declarative_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Stores all the user groups in a directory hierarchy.
store_declarative_users (layout_root_path: Path)Store users in directory hierarchy. Directly from server.
store_declarative_users_user_groups (layout_root_path: Path)Stores all the users and user groups in a directory hierarchy.