Geo Pushpin Chart

A geo pushpin chart visualizes data broken down by geographic region across an actual map and points the latitude and longitude of locations.

Geo Pushpin Chart

Access Token Requirement

When using geo pushpin charts in a dashboard or the Analytical Designer within GoodData Cloud’s main web application—or when these are embedded directly via an iframe—access tokens are provided automatically, ensuring seamless functionality without user intervention.

However, when implementing geo pushpin charts in a custom GoodData.UI application (i.e. within the DashboardView, InsightView, or GeoPushpinChart components), you must provide your own Mapbox access token. This token should be specified in the mapboxToken property.


import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo/styles/css/main.css";
import { GeoPushpinChart } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo";

    location={<attribute>} // both latitude and longitude defined in single attribute
    latitude={<attribute>} // latitude and longitude split to two different attributes



import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo/styles/css/main.css";
import { GeoPushpinChart } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo";
import * as Md from "./md/full";

const config = {
    mapboxToken: "your_mapbox_token",
    tooltipText: Md.City.Name

<div style={{ height: 600, width: 900 }}>

Properties of location definition

locationtrueIAttributeThe attribute definition that determines the longitude and latitude of the pins


latitudetrueIAttributeThe attribute definition that determines the latitude of the pins
longitudetrueIAttributeThe attribute definition that determines the longitude of the pins

Other properties

segmentByfalseIAttributeThe attribute definition that categorizes the pins
sizefalseIMeasureThe measure definition that determines the size of the pins
colorfalseIMeasureThe measure definition that determines color saturation of the pins
filtersfalseIFilter[]An array of filter definitions
configtrueIGeoConfigThe geo chart configuration object
backendfalseIAnalyticalBackendThe object with the configuration related to communication with the backend and access to analytical workspaces
workspacefalsestringThe workspace ID
localefalsestringThe localization of the chart. Defaults to en-US.
drillableItemsfalseIDrillableItem[]An array of points and attribute values to be drillable
ErrorComponentfalseComponentA component to be rendered if this component is in error state
LoadingComponentfalseComponentA component to be rendered if this component is in loading state
onErrorfalseFunctionA callback when the component updates its error state
onExportReadyfalseFunctionA callback when the component is ready for exporting its data
onLoadingChangedfalseFunctionA callback when the component updates its loading state
onDrillfalseFunctionA callback when a drill is triggered on the component

Geo Config

mapboxTokentruestringA map access token that the chart uses to render the map requiring such token. To create a Mapbox account and an access token, see this guide.
pointsfalseGeoPointsConfigA configuration object where you can define clustering and the minimum and maximum sizes of the pins
viewportfalseGeoConfigViewportThe region that the viewport should focus after the chart is rendered
tooltipTextfalseAttributeAn additional item that shows a user-friendly label for the location attribute instead of the longitude and latitude

For the common chart configuration options such as colors, separators, or legend visibility, see Chart Config.

The following example shows the supported geoConfig structure with sample values:

    points: {
        minSize: "0.5x", // "0.5x" | "0.75x" | "normal" | "1.25x" | "1.5x"
        maxSize: "1.5x", // "0.5x" | "0.75x" | "normal" | "1.25x" | "1.5x"
        groupNearbyPoints: true
    viewport: {
        // "auto" // default, Include all data
        // "continent_af" // Africa
        // "continent_as" // Asia
        // "continent_au" // Australia
        // "continent_eu" // Europe
        // "continent_na" // North America
        // "continent_sa" // South America
        // "world";
        area: "world",
    tooltipText: {
        visualizationAttribute: {
            displayForm: {
                identifier: usStateNameIdentifier
            localIdentifier: "usStateNameIdentifier"
    colors: ["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)"],
    colorPalette: [{
        guid: "01",
        fill: {
            r: 195,
            g: 49,
            b: 73
    }, {
        guid: "02",
        fill: {
            r: 168,
            g: 194,
            b: 86
    colorMapping: [{
        predicate: (headerItem) => {
            return headerItem.attributeHeaderItem && ( === "adult"); // age
        color: {
            type: "guid",
            value: "02"
    legend: {
        enabled: true,
        position: "top",
    separators: {
        thousand: ",",
        decimal: "."

Mapbox token provider

The token provider allows setting of the Mapbox token for whole app or for a part of the app. It is not necessary to provide the token for every chart, visualization or dashboard.


import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo/styles/css/main.css";
import { MapboxTokenProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo";



import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo/styles/css/main.css";
import { GeoPushpinChart } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-geo";
import * as Md from "./md/full";

<div style={{ height: 600, width: 900 }}>
    <MapboxTokenProvider token="your_mapbox_token">


mapboxTokentruestringA map access token that the chart uses to render the map requiring such token. To create a Mapbox account and an access token, see this guide.