Web Components authentication

You can configure the Web Components library to automatically attempt user authentication to a GoodData server using the auth query parameter in the script URL.

If you need more control over the authentication flow, you can also authenticate the user programmatically.

Currently, the only valid value for the auth parameter is sso. When set, the script will check the authentication status and, if needed, the script will redirect the user to the SSO login page. See more about ?auth=sso below.

If the auth parameter is not provided or has a value other than sso, the library will not run the auto-authentication and will expect you to run the programmatic authentication. Meanwhile, all custom elements present on the page will render a loading animation.

All your users must have a GoodData account and have access to your GoodData workspace.

Programmatic authentication

To customize the authentication flow, you must provide the authenticated backend by yourself. The Web Components library hosts several files that you can import to your browser runtime and expose a backend factory for GoodData.CN and GoodData Cloud (code name tiger).

The custom authentication would look like this:

<script type="module">
    // Import the library along with `setContext` method
    import { setContext } from "https://example.gooddata.com/components/my-workspace.js";
    // Import GoodData.CN backend for GoodData.CN and GoodData Cloud
    import factory, {
    } from "https://example.gooddata.com/components/tigerBackend.js";

    function myAuthenticationHandler(authError) {
        // ... define the logic for custom authentication flow

    // Set up GoodData.CN backend and default workspace id
        backend: factory()
            .withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(myAuthenticationHandler)),
        workspaceId: "my-workspace",

See our documentation for more information on GoodData.CN authentication.

Automatic authentication

Automatic GoodData.CN SSO will run if you add ?auth=sso parameter to the script URL. For example:

<script type="module" src="https://example.gooddata.com/components/my-workspace.js?auth=sso"></script>

You can also run the following programmatic setup:

<script type="module">
    import { setContext } from "https://example.gooddata.com/components/my-workspace.js";
    import factory, {
    } from "https://example.gooddata.com/components/tigerBackend.js";

        backend: factory()
            .withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication)),
        workspaceId: "my-workspace",

Whenever a user is not authenticated with the GoodData server, the library will redirect the browser window to the SSO provider that you configured at GoodData. Once the user is logged in, the SSO provider will redirect the browser window back to the exact same page it was before the first redirect.

If your application runs in a Federated Identity Management context, you must propagate the current user’s identity provider ID to redirectToTigerAuthentication.

To do this, use the createRedirectToTigerAuthenticationWithParams function, providing the identity provider ID as a parameter. Then, use the result instead of the default redirectToTigerAuthentication.