Chart Config

This article describes the options for configuring a chart.


    chart: {
        verticalAlign: "top" // "top" | "middle" | "bottom"
    colors: ["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)"], // array of strings
    xaxis: {
        visible: true, // boolean
        labelsEnabled: true, // boolean
        rotation: "auto", // "auto" or numeral string
        min: "10", // numeral string
        max: "20" // numeral string
    yaxis: {
        visible: true, // boolean
        labelsEnabled: true, // boolean
        rotation: "auto", // string
        min: "30", // numeral string
        max: "40", // numeral string
        format: "auto" // "auto" | "inherit"
    secondary_yaxis: {
        visible: true, // boolean
        labelsEnabled: true, // boolean
        rotation: "auto", // string
        min: "300", // numeral string
        max: "400", // numeral string
        format: "inherit", // "auto" | "inherit"
        measures: ["measureLocalIdentifier"]
    legend: {
        enabled: true, // boolean
        position: "bottom", // "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom"
        responsive: "autoPositionWithPopup" // "autoPositionWithPopup" | true | false
    dataLabels: {
        visible: "auto" // "auto" | true | false
        percentsVisible: false // true | false, applies for funnel chart only
    dataPoints: {
        visible: true // "auto" | true | false
    grid: {
        enabled: true // boolean
    separators: {
        thousand: ",",
        decimal: "."
    stackMeasures: true, // boolean
    stackMeasuresToPercent: true, // boolean
    primaryChartType: "column", // string
    secondaryChartType: "area", // string
    dualAxis: false, // boolean
    tooltip: {
        enabled: true // boolean
    enableCompactSize: true, // boolean
    forceDisableDrillOnAxes: false, // boolean
    enableJoinedAttributeAxisName: false // boolean

NOTE: primaryChartType, secondaryChartType, and dualAxis are available only for combo charts.

Custom sorting

To be able to utilize the sortBy prop in your visualizations (e.g. PieChart), simply set the IChartConfig.enableChartSorting to true.

Align a chart vertically

You can configure a vertical alignment for pie charts and donut charts.

To align a chart vertically, set config.chart.verticalAlign to one of the possible values: top, middle, or bottom. If not set, it defaults to middle.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with a custom chart alignment
        chart: {
            verticalAlign: "bottom"

Configure colors

To configure colors, use the following options:

If you have more than one option configured for a visualization, the following rules apply:

  • The colors property overrides a custom color palette uploaded through the API.
  • The colorPalette property overrides the colors property and the custom color palette uploaded through the API.
  • The colorMapping property overrides the colorPalette property, the colors property, and the custom color palette uploaded through the API.

Color array

The following are examples of a color array:

["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)"]
["#fa0510", "#AA2030"]

If there are fewer colors than data points, then the colors are repeated. For example, here is how colors will be used for two colors and three data points:

["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)", "rgb(195, 49, 73)"]

To change colors in a chart, provide a config for each component where you want to change colors, or create a wrapped components with a config baked in.

NOTE: Heatmaps use only the first color from the provided colors as the base color, and generate the other colors themselves.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with custom colors and palette options
        colors: ["rgb(195, 49, 73)", "rgb(168, 194, 86)"]

Within one visualization:

Custom color palette

If you uploaded a custom color palette to your workspace, the visualizations created based on the Visualization component use this palette instead of the default colors.

To override the uploaded custom color palette for a specific visualization, define the colorPalette property for this visualization.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with a custom palette
           guid: "01",
           fill: {
               r: 195,
               g: 49,
               b: 73
       }, {
           guid: "02",
           fill: {
               r: 168,
               g: 194,
               b: 86
       }, {
           guid: "03",
           fill: {
               r: 243,
               g: 217,
               b: 177

Within one visualization:

  • The colorPalette property overrides the custom color palette uploaded through the API and the colors property.
  • The colorPalette property can be overridden by the colorMapping property.

Color mapping

Color mapping allows you to assign colors to individual measures or attribute elements. To set up color mapping, set the colorMapping property.

The colorMapping property contains an array of objects. Each object is represented by a pair of a mapping predicate and a color (color GUID or color value).

  • A mapping predicate is a function that takes a result header as the first argument and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the color will be assigned to a particular measure or attribute element.
  • A color is an object that contains two keys, type and value.
    • To assign a color from a color palette (either the custom color palette uploaded through the API or the palette defined by the colorPalette property), set type to guid, and set value to the GUID of the color from the palette.
    • To assign a custom color, set type to rgb, and set value to an object containing the keys r, g, and b with numerical values.

The following example shows how to assign the color with GUID 02 to the measure with the local identifier m1_localIdentifier, and the black color to the measure with the local identifier m2_localIdentifier:

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with custom color mapping
        colorMapping: [{
            predicate: (headerItem) => {
                return headerItem.measureHeaderItem && (headerItem.measureHeaderItem.localIdentifier === "m1_localIdentifier")
            color: {
                type: "guid",
                value: "02"
        }, {
            predicate: (headerItem) => {
                return headerItem.measureHeaderItem && (headerItem.measureHeaderItem.localIdentifier === "m2_localIdentifier")
            color: {
                type: "rgb",
                value: {
                    r: 0,
                    g: 0,
                    b: 0

Within one visualization, the colorMapping property overrides the colorPalette property (while still can use its colors), the colors property, and the custom color palette uploaded through the API.

Change legend properties

  • To change the legend position, set the config.legend.position property to one of the possible values: "left", "right", "top", or "bottom".

  • To make the legend responsive, set config.legend.responsive to true.

  • To make the legend appear as a popup in too small containers, set config.legend.responsive to "autoPositionWithPopup".

    For a better visual experience, we recommend that you enable the compact size together with making the legend appear as a popup.

    PopUp Legend

    NOTE: When config.legend.responsive is set to "autoPositionWithPopup", the config.legend.position property may be ignored for containers of a smaller size, and the legend position will be automatically adjusted anyway.

  • To hide the legend, set config.legend.enabled to false.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with a custom legend position and responsive legend
        legend: {
            enabled: true,
            position: "bottom", // "left", "right", "top"
            responsive: "autoPositionWithPopup", // true, false

Change a separator in the number format

  • To change the thousands separator, adjust the config.separators.thousand property.
  • To change the decimal separator, adjust the config.separators.decimal property.
import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with a custom separator in the number format
        separators: {
            thousand: ",",
            decimal: "."

Configure axes

The properties listed in this section are specific to the X axis. To get the properties for the Y axis, replace xaxis with yaxis in a property’s name.

  • To hide the axis, set config.xaxis.visible to false. If not set, it defaults to true (the axis is visible).

  • To hide axis labels, set config.xaxis.labelsEnabled to false. If not set, it defaults to true (the axis labels are visible).

    NOTE: When config.xaxis.visible is set to false, axis labels are hidden automatically regardless of what config.xaxis.labelsEnabled is set to.

  • To rotate axis labels, set config.xaxis.rotation to a desired value.

  • To set the axis scale, set config.xaxis.min and config.xaxis.max to desired values.

  • To show measures on a secondary axis, set config.secondary_xaxis.measures to the measures that you want to display. If config.secondary_xaxis.measures is not set, all measures are displayed on the main axis by default.

  • To hide the axis name, set to false. If not set, it defaults to true (the axis name is visible).

  • To set the axis name position, set to one of the possible values: low, middle, high.

    NOTE: If an axis represents more than one attribute/measure, the and properties are both ignored, and the axis name is hidden. However, you can override this behavior for an axis that represents two attributes (see Display the name for an axis with two attributes). You cannot override this behavior for an axis that represents two measures.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with settings for the x-axis
        xaxis: {
            visible: false,
            labelsEnabled: false,
            rotation: "-90",
            min: "150",
            max: "440",
            name: {
                position: "low", // "low", "middle", "high"
        secondary_xaxis: {
            visible: true,
            labelsEnabled: true,
            rotation: "-90",
            min: "1500",
            max: "4400",
            name: {
                visible: false
            measures: ["measureLocalIdentifier1", "measureLocalIdentifier2"]

Disable drilling on axis labels

To disable drilling on labels for the both axes, see Disabled drilling on axis labels.

Display the name for an axis with two attributes

In column charts, bullet charts, and bar charts, if an axis represents two attributes, the axis name is hidden by default. To make the axis name visible, set config.enableJoinedAttributeAxisName to true. The axis name is generated as the attribute names joined by (for example, Year › Quarter/Year).

Chart Axis Two Attributes

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with the name visible for an axis with two attributes
        enableJoinedAttributeAxisName: true

Configure canvases

  • To configure data labels, set the config.dataLabels property.
  • To hide data points from a chart, set config.dataPoints to false. This applies to the following types of charts:
import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with settings for the canvas
        dataLabels: true,
        dataPoints: false,
        grid: {
            enabled: false

Configure stacking

  • You can configure stacking for the following types of charts:
  • To display the total contribution of each measure, set config.stackMeasures to true.
    • For area charts, config.stackMeasures is set to true by default.
    • For bar charts, column charts, and charts with the secondary axis, config.stackMeasures is ignored when the chart has only one measure.
  • To display the percentage contribution of each measure, set config.stackMeasuresToPercent to true.
    • If both config.stackMeasuresToPercent and config.stackMeasures are present, config.stackMeasuresToPercent overwrites config.stackMeasures.
    • For charts with the secondary axis, config.stackMeasuresToPercent is applied only to the left axis.
import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with stacking
        stackMeasures: false,
        stackMeasuresToPercent: true

Configure tooltip visibility

To hide a tooltip, set config.tooltip.enabled to false.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with stacking
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true

Enable a compact size

To allow the charts to be rendered in small containers by hiding less important parts, set config.enableCompactSize to true.

import { InsightView } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-ext";

// Example of embedding a visualization with the enabled compact size
        enableCompactSize: {

NOTE: For a better visual experience, we recommend that you make the legend appear as a popup together with enabling the compact size.

Minimum height

The following table shows the minimum height (in pixels) for each chart type:

VisualizationMin height (px)
Area chart334px
Bar chart134px
Bubble chart334px
Bullet chart134px
Column chart134px
Combo chart334px
Donut chart134px
Geo pushpin chart334px
Headline (primary measure)34px
Headline (primary + secondary measure)94px
Line chart134px
Pie chart134px
Pivot table134px
Scatter plot334px

Chart responsiveness

Small charts with a compact size disabled take on a small area and cannot identify the items properly.

Chart Compact Size off

Once config.enableCompactSize is set to true, the axis labels are hidden, and the chart becomes more readable.

Chart Compact Size on

A headline chart with config.enableCompactSize set to true adjusts its content responsively to fit small containers. Otherwise, it may not be able to fit small containers.

Headline Compact Size

Responsive legend

For configuring a responsive legend, see Change legend properties.

Disabled drilling on axis labels

To disable drilling on axis labels, set config.forceDisableDrillOnAxes to true.