View Entitlements

Depending on the type of license or hosted organization you are using, your GoodData environment may come with certain entitlements.

Some entitlements are public, they can be viewed by anyone. Other entitlements are non-public, they are suppressed in the API response unless the user making the request has the Organization.MANAGE permission.


The basic set of entitlements consists of:

  • Contract (non-public) defines how long you can use the organization for before you have to renew the contract. Note that you can host multiple organisations in the same deployment. While your deployment expires when your license expires, individual organizations expire according to their contract expiration dates. Contracts are only used for GoodData Cloud.
  • Tier (public) defines the level of service you have access to. Currently the tier entitlement is used to differentiate between the trial and enterprise tiers of GoodData.
  • CustomTheming (public) defines whether you can modify the visual style of your GoodData deployment.
  • ManagedOIDC (non-public) defines which OIDC Identity Provider is to be used in your deployment. This entitlement ensures that the OIDC Identity Provider is managed exclusively by GoodData; This is typically done for GoodData Cloud deployments. If your organization does not contain this entitlement, you are free to use any supported OIDC Identity provider.
  • WorkspaceCount or UnlimitedWorkspaces (non-public) defines the maximum number of workspaces an organization can have.
  • UserCount or UnlimitedUsers (non-public) defines the maximum number of users an organization can have.

There is also a set of entitlements dedicated to dashboard automation. This group of entitlements defines the limits related to dashboard automations (alerts and scheduled exports):

  • AutomationCount (public) sets the maximum number of automation objects (alerts and scheduled exports) per workspace.
  • AutomationRecipientCount (public) sets the maximum number of recipients users can add to the Recipients field. Each recipient counts as an additional execution.
  • ScheduledActionMinimumRecurrenceMinutes (public) sets the minimum time, in minutes, between scheduled actions.
  • DailyScheduledActionCount (non-public) sets the maximum number of scheduled export executions per workspace in a 24-hour period. The number of executions depends on the number of scheduled exports, their frequency, and the number of recipients.
  • DailyAlertActionCount (non-public) sets the maximum number of alert executions per workspace within a 24-hour period. The total executions depend on the number of alerts, their evaluation frequency, and the number of recipients. When configuring the evaluation frequency, consider how often users will use alerts and how many will be set up to ensure the total executions stay within your DailyAlertActionCount limit.

View Entitlements

There are two API endpoints that let you view your entitlements:

  • GET /api/v1/entities/entitlements may return the following organizational entitlements:

    • Contract
    • Tier
    • ManagedOIDC
    • WorkspaceCount or UnlimitedWorkspaces
    • UserCount or UnlimitedUsers
    • Automaton entitlements.
  • GET /api/v1/actions/resolveEntitlements aggregates organizational entitlements, as well as entitlements taken from the license and any other stand-alone entitlements:

    • Contract taken from organization
    • Tier taken from organization
    • ManagedOIDC taken from organization
    • WorkspaceCount or UnlimitedWorkspaces taken from organization or license
    • UserCount or UnlimitedUsers taken from organization or license
    • CustomTheming a stand-alone entitlement
    • Automaton entitlements.

View Usage

To be able to easily monitor how many workspaces and users you currently have in your organization, use the /api/v1/actions/collectUsage API endpoint. This API returns the following items:

  • WorkspaceCount shows how many workspaces currently exist in your organization
  • UserCount show how many users currently exist in your organization

Note that the Organization.MANAGE permission is required to make this API call.