Experimental Features

We occasionally release work-in-progress features for you to explore and provide feedback on. Please note that these features are under active development and may undergo significant changes or be removed entirely.

We are currently testing the following features:

Experimental features are only available for trial accounts. Sign up for a trial account to try these features yourself.

Enable Experimental Features

Experimental features are enabled for individual workspaces*, letting you test one feature in one workspace, and another feature in a different workspace. You can only assign one experimental feature to a particular workspace at a time.

*Experimental data sources are an exception to this limitation - they are enabled for the entire organization to use.

Feel free to explore and provide your feedback to help us improve and refine these tools for future releases.


  1. Go to Settings.

    Screenshot of left navigation menu.
  2. Click Manage next to the feature you want to try out.

    Screenshot of the Experimental features part of Settings.
  3. Select one or more workspaces for which you want to enable the feature and click Apply.

    Some features may require additional information, such as your OpenAI token, to enable AI-related features.

    Screenshot of the feature enablement dialog.

    The feature is now enabled.

    Screenshot of the Experimental features part of Settings - now showing one of the features being enabled for 1 workspace.