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🔎 Showcase: Will We Run Out of Gas?

Written by Patrik Braborec  | 

🔎 Showcase: Will We Run Out of Gas?

Are you concerned about the current level of gas in storage? Running out of gas could be a significant problem, but by examining available reserves, we can get a better understanding of the situation. In this article, we provide an overview of the Czech Republic's gas storage reserves to give you a clear idea of the country's gas situation:

Dashboard with gas data
Dashboard with gas data

In conclusion, the Czech Republic has more gas reserves than the previous year, which is great news!

Tip: If you're interested in analyzing gas reserves in other countries, let us know! We can certainly help you with that and prepare similar overviews.

How did we arrive at these visualizations though?

How Does it Work?

We gathered data from public data sources (agsi.gie.eu, visualcrossing.com). The first data source provides weather information, while the second offers gas data. The date range for our analysis is from 1/1/2023 to 4/30/2023. If you're reading this before 4/30/2023, you might wonder how we have data from the future. The answer is that weather data is predicted, and we simply extracted it. As for gas data, we made some cool predictions using GoodData. The rest of the process involved inputting data into a PostgreSQL database and preparing analytics in GoodData (including the aforementioned predictions). For a simple demonstration, let's examine how the "Filled Gas" visualization is calculated. First, we need to understand the metric "Last value of filled gas":

‘Last value of filled gas’ metric
‘Last value of filled gas’ metric

The second metric, “Year ago”, is calculated as follows:

‘Year ago’ metric
‘Year ago’ metric

With GoodData, you can calculate countless similar metrics and create powerful analytics. These metrics can then be used in visualizations to build informative dashboards like the one above!

Try It on Your Own!

Would you like to explore the dashboards mentioned above? Simply click here, and you can! If you're interested in building your own dashboard sign up for the free GoodData trial today!

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Written by Patrik Braborec  | 

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