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Building Real-time, Multi-Tenant Analytics: 10 Questions and Answers

Written by Lauri Hänninen  | 

Building Real-time, Multi-Tenant Analytics: 10 Questions and Answers

We recently held a webinar that explored how to build real-time, multi-tenant analytics. If you weren’t able to attend or want to watch it again, you can access it here.

During the event, we covered:

  • How to create a customer-facing analytics solution programmatically using declarative APIs
  • How to establish hierarchies in your metadata with multi-tenant analytics
  • How to quickly embed analytics into an application with GoodData.UI

As with all of our webinars, we encouraged attendees to ask questions throughout the event, helping to explore specific topics in more detail.

Continue reading for a list of the top questions and answers related to building real-time, multi-tenant analytic solutions.

Is the data source connection in GoodData always done via API? Or can it be done via GUI, too?

We are continuously updating the product. Managing data sources on the UI is on our roadmap and it will be launched in the upcoming months.

What data sources does GoodData support?

Currently, you can use the following data sources with GoodData Cloud Native:

  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery
  • Redshift
  • PostgreSQL
  • Vetica
  • Dremio
  • Apache Drill

You mentioned a metric store. Does this mean that the metrics can be consumed outside of GoodData?

Yes, all metrics created in GoodData can be consumed via any data tool that can connect to the PostgreSQL database. This includes BI tools like PowerBI and Tableau as well as Data science tools like Jupyter and RStudio.

You can read more about headless BI on our website.

There were about 10 visualization types in the visualization builder you showed. What if I need more types for my use case?

We provide the most common visualization types out-of-the-box because they are usually sufficient for most customers. But if you need something extra, you can always use our Dashboard Plugins or GoodData.UI JavaScript library to add visualizations from third party libraries.

You can read more about the dashboard plugins here.

What exactly can be done via APIs with GoodData?

Everything that can be done via GUI and much more. You can find the OpenAPI definitions of our API endpoints here.

Can you provide more details about MAQL?

Multidimensional Analytical Query Language, or MAQL for short, is our proprietary querying language. To learn more, you can check our documentation, our article “MAQL: Composable, Reusable Analytics Queries,” or visit our university course.

The child workspaces share the semantic model, insights, metrics, and dashboards with the parent workspace. What if I want to provide more advanced analytics for certain customers?

If some of your customers need more advanced analytics (e.g., insights, metrics, dashboards, etc.), you can have different parent workspaces for different use cases. The recommended way is to provide different tiers of your analytics. You can have a parent workspace for a basic tier (free) and then a parent workspace for a professional tier (paid). The professional tier can then offer more complex insights and dashboards which allows you to create extra revenue streams.

Do you have any additional resources regarding embedding and GoodData.UI that you could share?

Yes, you can visit our website or read the Gooddata.UI documentation. We also have a library of interactive examples of visualizations built via Gooddata.UI, which you can browse here.

What SDKs do you offer?

In addition to GoodData.UI, we offer JavaScript SDK and Python SDK. You can read more about our Python SDK here.

Are workspaces the only solution for filtering data for each user? What if we simply need to have embedded charts with a user’s data without giving them access to edit the workspace?

You can use data permissions (row-level filters) to control what data a user can access in their GoodData workspace. This means that users can only see relevant data records with their assigned data permissions. This is incredibly useful for many of our clients as a single workspace can host a variety of users who need different data permissions applied.

Next Steps

Ready to begin building a real-time, multi-tenant analytics solution? Register for our free trial and get started today.

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Written by Lauri Hänninen  | 

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