GoodData.UI advances the future of dashboards
Written by Vanessa Wegner |

Analytics have been around for a fraction of human history, but they may determine our future.
Dashboards originally focused on providing executive level information to executive level employees. Bottom line data is important, but it isn’t what gets the job done.
As dashboards trickled down through organizations, their primary function was to provide insights that improved decision making, make managers’ jobs easier, and serve up information in a nice interface that connected with third-party systems. As helpful as these dashboards are, they are no longer enough.
Data analytics are expected to make users more efficient by helping them work smarter. The question of today is – who are the users? Are we still talking about executives or upper level managers? Yes – and no.
As companies acquire more data, we’ve seen a consistent trend take place over the last couple decades: those who are good with data, win. Look at Netflix, StitchFix, or John Deere. Each glean insights from massive amounts of data, and turn those insights into actions that drive relentless growth and change industries as we know them. In the race to achieve a competitive advantage, the solution is clear: it’s in the data.
Jobs are becoming increasingly data driven, from the top down. The executive level dashboard has been around for decades. High level insights are nothing new. For the lower level worker, this hasn’t always been the case. In the near future, microdashboards will place analytics at the point of work, helping employees get things done with a granular perspective based on data.
At GoodData, we’re building tooling that allows developers and engineers to create an in-context analytics experience with the flexibility they need, for the business user. Furthermore, we’re doing this with modern practices – we’re not your grandpa’s dashboard. GoodData.UI is a modern tool, built with modern tools, that integrates with modern tools.
The GoodData.UI library provides a fully open sourced extensible framework and development productivity tools for JavaScript/TypeScript developers, a collection of proprietary Highchart based visualizations, and extensive documentation with interactive code samples.
Want to learn more about how GoodData.UI brings insights to the entire organization? Check out our documentation for developers, and try GoodData trial.
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Request a demoWritten by Vanessa Wegner |